Annual Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance and Health – Pre-Existing Conditions

Medical Pre-existing Conditions Pretty much any medical condition or disability is referred to in insurance circles as a pre-existing condition. This can affect both the cost and availability of any travel insurance policy. All relevant […]

Annual Travel Insurance

US Govt Travel Advisory Update – Israel and Gaza

  The United States Government has updated its travel advice about the region owing to the increasingly dangerous situation developing there. The advisory notice is important for two reasons – It reflects the current thinking […]

Annual Travel Insurance

Can I get Travel Insurance with Asthma?

Asthma Travel Insurance. People who have asthma, often referred to as asthmatics,  generally manage the condition well on a daily basis, and as such shouldn’t have a problem getting travel insurance, although there are one […]

Annual Travel Insurance

Can I get Travel Insurance with Angina?

Angina  Travel Insurance. From an insurance point of view, Angina is classified as a medical condition or a pre-existing condition, and most travel insurance companies are happy to cover people who are or have been […]

Annual Travel Insurance


The Caribbean – travel news, information and resources The Caribbean is one of the most beautiful areas in the world,  and contains many islands that are a magnet for people who want to travel,  including […]