
Schengen Travel Insurance

Schengen Travel Insurance Schengen Travel Insurance is a type of insurance policy specifically designed for travellers visiting the Schengen Area in Europe. The Schengen Area is a zone comprising 27 European countries that have abolished […]

Annual Travel Insurance

Cruise Travel Insurance

Cruise Travel Insurance Cruise insurance is a specialized form of travel insurance designed to address the things that can go wrong when on a cruise. From medical emergencies to trip cancellations, cruise insurance provides coverage […]


Travel Insurance by Country

Travel insurance is pretty much a must, whatever country you are going to visit, but its cost and necessity does vary country by country. For some countries it is a legal requirement, for others things […]

Annual Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance and Health – Pre-Existing Conditions

Medical Pre-existing Conditions Pretty much any medical condition or disability is referred to in insurance circles as a pre-existing condition. This can affect both the cost and availability of any travel insurance policy. All relevant […]

Baby Travel

Baby Travel Accessories – UK

Baby Travel Accessories Travelling with a baby can be a delightful adventure, provided you have the right accessories at your disposal. In the UK, a range of baby travel essentials ensures a smooth journey for […]