What is Medical Tourism
What is Medical Tourism Travel information, news and resources regarding the world of medical tourism, with special focus on its relationship to travel insurance : Medical tourism is the name given to the process of […]
What is Medical Tourism Travel information, news and resources regarding the world of medical tourism, with special focus on its relationship to travel insurance : Medical tourism is the name given to the process of […]
Single Trip Travel Insurance A single trip travel insurance policy is designed to provide insurance coverage for a one-off return journey trip to one or more overseas destinations. This policy will run for a specified […]
Medical tourism has become big business in Mexico, especially for residents of the USA. Most treatments are considerably cheaper than similar options in other countries, and the standard of care is generally pretty high. There […]
Mexico – travel information, news and resources : Medical Tourism Safety
Medical tourism has a slightly jaded feel to it, with the impression that it is normally about people seeking treatment in other countries either because the cost of it is so expensive in their own, […]