
Baggage Travel insurance

Baggage Travel Insurance Cover for personal baggage is included in all mainstream travel insurance policies, whether they are single trip insurance or annual travel insurance plans. Some insurance policies that are more specialized such as […]


Schengen Travel Insurance

Schengen Travel Insurance Schengen Travel Insurance is a type of insurance policy specifically designed for travellers visiting the Schengen Area in Europe. The Schengen Area is a zone comprising 27 European countries that have abolished […]

Annual Travel Insurance

Cruise Travel Insurance

Cruise Travel Insurance Cruise insurance is a specialized form of travel insurance designed to address the things that can go wrong when on a cruise. From medical emergencies to trip cancellations, cruise insurance provides coverage […]


Travel Insurance by Country

Travel insurance is pretty much a must, whatever country you are going to visit, but its cost and necessity does vary country by country. For some countries it is a legal requirement, for others things […]

Annual Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance and Health – Pre-Existing Conditions

Medical Pre-existing Conditions Pretty much any medical condition or disability is referred to in insurance circles as a pre-existing condition. This can affect both the cost and availability of any travel insurance policy. All relevant […]